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Health Professionals

Debra Manning

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tao Hands:

A Remarkable Recovery from Lower Back Pain

I am a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona.

An elderly male patient was brought in by his wife for lower back pain. He couldn't sit up straight or walk due to the extreme pain.

He was delighted to receive a Tao Hands blessing along with his acupuncture treatment.

After the needles were placed in his lower back I offered the Tao Hands blessing for 10 minutes.

After the session I asked him to stand and move his body.

He was very surprised that he could stand straight up and walk with no pain!

Mary Anne Melvin

Miraculous Recovery: Blessing Saves a Life During a Heart Attack

As a nurse and an administrator at an assisted living facility, I am responsible for the health and wellbeing of our clients.

One of our clients had a critical heart condition, and was prone to heart attacks.

One night, I received a call from the night staff at 2 am in the morning.

The staff said that she was showing symptoms of a heart attack but wouldn't let anyone call 911.  I was 25 minutes away from her so couldn't be there right away.

I had the staff put her on the phone with me, and offered her a Tao Hands blessing. Within a minute of the blessing starting, her anxiety and pain were reduced significantly.

When she went to the hospital later in the night, the doctors at the hospital were shocked because her tests showed she had a heart attack.

But there she was, talking, walking, and feeling no pain. The doctors sent her back within 2 hours. I call that a miracle.

Bhawana Mittal

Transforming Excruciating Tooth Pain and Fear: A Tao Hands Miracle

My client had excruciating pain due to cavities in her teeth.

She would take 5 pain killers a day, and couldn't sleep for days because of pain. From childhood, she had fears around getting treatment done at the dental clinic

I offered her a Tao Hands blessing to transform the pain and cavities. Before receiving blessing, she said that the pain level was beyond 10.

After blessing, the pain went down significantly. It went down to a pain level of 6. That night she slept peacefully.

I started giving her regular Tao Hands sessions. After 6 sessions, the cavities were completely gone. No more pain either.

It's amazing to me that she didn't have to visit the dental clinic again since then. A miracle...

Discover Heart Touching Stories Of The

Physical Body

Akshaya Dwivedi

Transformation through Tao Hands: A Journey to Inner Peace and Service

I became a Tao Hands practitioner in September, 2012.

The moment I received my Tao Hands, my heart opened and I was brought into a deep awareness of the greater and higher plan for our lives.

My plans and goals of having earthly possessions almost instantly transformed to wanting inner peace and inner joy.

Since then I have devoted my life to serving humanity, and have been immensely empowered due to having Tao Hands.

Thank you Master Sha

I love you

Mary Anne Melvin

Miracle at 2 AM: A Heart Attack Defied

As a nurse and an administrator at an assisted living facility, I am responsible for the health and wellbeing of our clients. One of our clients had a critical heart condition, and was prone to heart attacks. One night, I received a call from the night staff at 2 am in the morning. The staff said that she was showing symptoms of a heart attack but wouldn't let anyone call 911.

I was 25 minutes away from her so couldn't be there right away. I had the staff put her on the phone with me, and offered her a Tao Hands blessing. Within a minute of the blessing starting, her anxiety and pain were reduced significantly. When she went to the hospital later in the night, the doctors at the hospital were shocked because her tests showed she had a heart attack. But there she was, talking, walking, and feeling no pain. The doctors sent her back within 2 hours. I call that a miracle.

Rodica Harabagiu

Lost and Unwell, Tao Hands Became My Beacon

I am profoundly grateful for the Tao Healing Hands. Time and again, they've been my go-to in numerous unforeseen circumstances, serving as my healing first aid. Just a few days ago, after an exhaustive journey, I found myself isolated in an unfamiliar setting. I was gripped by intense pain in my muscles, joints, and lungs. My breathing became laboured, punctuated by a persistent dry cough.

My stomach was in turmoil, my head throbbed, and my thoughts were foggy. As the situation intensified approaching midnight, I felt cornered with limited options. Then I remembered – I had the power of Tao Hands!

Scott Rumbaugh

Relieving Back Pain and Unveiling Golden Threads: My Journey as a Tao Hands Practitioner

I am a Tao hands practitioner and frequently give blessings to friends and family.

One friend was suffering from severe back pain.

During the blessing my friend received great relief and could see golden threads stitching her back.

Hardeep Kharbanda

Instant Relief from Stubborn Sciatica Pain: The Miraculous Effect of Tao Hands

I was visiting a senior client to offer service to her husband.

She mentioned that she had stubborn sciatica pain.

She had just come back from seeing her acupuncturist, but the pain persisted.

I offered her a Tao Hands blessing, which took about 5 minutes.

At the end, her pain was gone! She was surprised, and so was I.

Thank you Tao Hands!

The power is amazing.

Elisabeth Schricker

Transforming Chronic Lower Back Pain: My Journey with Tao Hands Technology

I am yoga teacher and a coach for mental wellbeing from Germany and I use Tao Hands technology every day for my clients, my family members myself.

12 years ago I received the Tao Hands tool at a TH training workshop.

2 months before that workshop I met a friend, who received already the Tao Hands and she began to offer me Tao Hands blessings for 2 weeks, because at that time I was suffering from chronic lower back pain.

I was not able to carry my luggage, I had pain when doing the laundry, I couldn´t bend without pain, also I could not do my yoga exercises.

10 days after receiving the Tao Hands treatment I experienced a huge shift.

2 weeks later all my pain was gone and since then I am completely fine.

No pain, no discomfort, no limitation in movement. I can´t imagine a life without Tao Hands any more.

Andy Cairo

Surgery Sidestepped: Tao Hands' Transformation Triumph

A guy from my work had backpain and was waiting for surgery.

I offered Tao Hands blessings for a few days. He emailed me to tell me that the operation wasn't needed anymore because his pain was gone after the blessings.

Tao Hands helped him so much, thank you Master Sha.

Tina Puri

A Remarkable Recovery: How Tao Hands Blessing Eased Post-Surgery Pain and Accelerated Healing

Our daughters 22 yr old friend had a knee surgery and was in excruciating pain despite of all the pain medications he was on.

With 1st Tao Hands blessing, he slept at night without much pain and after 2 more he was pretty much off his medications.

Not just that his therapist told him he was recovering so quickly and he didn’t need as many sessions they had anticipated.

So this was such an amazing way to help a young man get back to his life and enjoy himself.

Thank you so much Master Sha

Sharon Sareh Matutino


My name is Sarah Matutino and I am from Hawaii, USA.

My sister had knee surgery on her left knee in early June 2023. She was experiencing deep throbbing pain in the muscles and tissues surrounding the surgery area. Her legs were swollen and body fluid was oozing out of her sutures. Her pain was extreme and her face showed it.

I visited her at home a week after the surgery. I offered her Tao Healing Hands at the Tao De Da Kuan Shu level. She leaned back into her couch and rested her left leg on the couch. I instructed her to relax and close her eyes. It took only two minutes to invoke the Tao Healing Hands treasure and deliver the blessing.

When done, I saw her face relax as she exhaled a deep sigh of relief.

Naomi reported that the pain went from a ten to four on the pain scale of ten. She appreciated how simple and quick the blessing was.

Terry Nusyna

Healing a Burned Finger with Tao Hands: A Remarkable Recovery

I burned my finger on a hot pan.

Very painful.

I turned on my Tao Hands.

Pain gone in a few minutes.

Then bubble burn healed completely in 58 hours.

No mark remaining on my finger.

Mayur Shah

Relieving Arthritis Pain in the Elderly: The Healing Power of Tao Hands

My mum is elderly, over 90 and one day when I came down to the kitchen, she said that her hands were stiff, painful and were in bent position.

She said that she won’t be able to help in the kitchen and her grand-daughters, who are doctors had said that she has got arthritis now.

She will have to take pain killers and there isn’t anything else to resolve this.

I turned on my Tao Hands to bless her.

She said afterwards, it was a little better.

Later that day, when I returned from work, I checked in on her and she smiled and fully straightened her hands and smiled.

Her pain was no more.

I am very grateful to have this Tao Hands blessing power.

Duong Tran

A Miraculous Transformation: My Tao Hands Healing Experience

I would like to share my amazing Tao Hands story.

When I was at my wife’s family gathering. One of my cousin in law had a pain on her left hand where she cannot bend her fingers or wrist.

I heard a guidance to offer a Tao Hands blessings to her.

She accepted and I offered the blessing. When the blessing done, she was so surprised of her experience.

During the blessing she said she felt such a relaxation that she has never felt before that she had open her eyes and said is this real?

After the blessing was offered, I asked how she felt and she was able to move her hand and wrist without pain.

She was so amazed and happy and now is following Master Sha.

Thank you

Mayur Shah

Relieving Arthritis Pain in the Elderly: The Healing Power of Tao Hands

My mum is elderly, over 90 and one day when I came down to the kitchen, she said that her hands were stiff, painful and were in bent position.

She said that she won’t be able to help in the kitchen and her grand-daughters, who are doctors had said that she has got arthritis now.

She will have to take pain killers and there isn’t anything else to resolve this.

I turned on my Tao Hands to bless her.

She said afterwards, it was a little better.

Later that day, when I returned from work, I checked in on her and she smiled and fully straightened her hands and smiled.

Her pain was no more.

I am very grateful to have this Tao Hands blessing power.

Vipin Puri

Relief from Stress and Headache: The Impact of Tao Hands Blessing

My client was going thru rough period at work and in their relationship along with having a acute headache with high stress levels.

I offered her tao hands blessing and in few hours she started to feel better.

Johannes Stier

Remarkable Pain Relief: Healing a Broken Toe with Tao Hands

A couple of years after I had received my Tao Hands, I had an accident while doing Yoga.

I landed on my toe and the doctor later confirmed my toe was broken.

Right after the accident happened, the pain was unbearable, I could barely walk. I quickly turned on my Tao Hands and offered myself a blessing.

Within minutes, the pain decreased by half at least and it became bearable to walk so I could get on the train and make my way to the doctor.

I am so truly grateful for this. I do not know what I would have done without Tao Hands.

Barbara ten Hövel

A Remarkable Recovery: Healing with Tao Hands Blessing

My daughter was ill and didn't want to leave the bed

She had high fever

After Tao Hands blessing she felt better and the next day she was fit again

Thank you

Vipin Puri

Acute Headache Pain Gone

Last night one of the retreat participant was having acute headache with level of 6-7.

I have Tao hands blessing before she slept and when she woke up this morning her headache was completely gone. She has some tiredness and resting but headache was not there.

Mark A Smyth

Overcoming Nightly Muscle Cramps with Tao Hands Blessing: A Grateful Journey

I frequently got muscle cramps at night, especially on my calfs.

Before I had to reach down and stretch out the muscle for relief, and it took a while before it would subside.

Now, I immediately give myself a Tao Hands blessing and usually the spam disappears in a few minutes, without having to stretch the muscle.

And many times the after pain is completely gone by the morning, whereas before I would be sore for many hours.

In addition, the frequency of cramps has greatly reduced. I am so grateful that I have this tool.

It has provided so much relief.

Thank you Master Sha.

Johannes Stier

Remarkable Pain Relief: Healing a Broken Toe with Tao Hands

A couple of years after I had received my Tao Hands, I had an accident while doing Yoga.

I landed on my toe and the doctor later confirmed my toe was broken.

Right after the accident happened, the pain was unbearable, I could barely walk. I quickly turned on my Tao Hands and offered myself a blessing.

Within minutes, the pain decreased by half at least and it became bearable to walk so I could get on the train and make my way to the doctor.

I am so truly grateful for this. I do not know what I would have done without Tao Hands.

Lynne Nusyna

A Miraculous Recovery: Restoring Mobility with Tao Hands Blessing

My friend called me from hospital.

No feeling in left leg and couldn’t stand up.

I offered Tao Hands.

He stood up for one minute.

I offered further treatment and he stood up and became mobile.

No medical explanation.

We are both so grateful.

Glenn Donner

Transformation from a Distance: Immediate Relief

Last month, my daughter was sick and living far away from us. Her feet and legs were hurting. She also has Tao Hands but I decided to send her a blessing because she was not in a stable condition herself.

The same day she felt better and could walk straight again without any pain. When I spoke to her I was so happy that she wasn't suffering anymore.

Yasuyuki Sekihara

Energetic Healing: Clearing Blockages in the Liver/Gallbladder with Tao Hands

I gave myself Tao hands to my liver, gallbladder and if felt blockages release.

I felt a warm sensation and releasing sensation.

Thank you very much.

Discover Heart Touching Stories Of The

Mental Body

Carol Liu

Transforming Darkness to Light: How Tao Hands Blessings Brought Peace and Positivity

I had a client connect with me that she was having negative and suicidal thoughts.

I offered Tao Hands blessings remotely.

Within hours she let me know she is at peace and more positive with her relationship with her family.

Daniela Rambaldini

Transformational Relief from Insomnia and Sleep Apnea Through Tao Hands Blessings

A middle aged female client had been suffering with insomnia & sleep apnea for several years.

After receiving Tao Hands blessings every 2 weeks for less than 3 months, she stopped using her c-pap machine for sleep apnea & her sleep improved overal.

She’s very pleased with the improvements!

Discover Heart Touching Stories Of The

Emotional Body

Thai-Siew Liang

Healing Anger with Tao Hands: A Transformational Journey

I would like to share a story by using Tao Hands for healing his anger.

I offered him a blessing to remove his anger by using Tao Hands for about 10 minutes.

In around 8-9 minutes he was in tears and he apologized for his anger that he couldn’t control.

He was grateful and he became Tao Hands healer.

I was so happy to see him serve humanity with his Tao hands.

Thank you Master Sha, thank you Tao hands.

Akshaya Dwivedi

Transformative Healing: Tao Hands Blessing Brings Peace to Our Troubled Pet

Our pet had been going through severe emotional issues.

It would bite us, be very angry, and especially while travelling in planes, would get very difficult to handle.

I offered a Tao Hands blessing to this pet for emotional health.

To our pleasant surprise, for atleast 48hr after the Tao Hands blessing, our pet slept quietly and calmly.

For few days it's tendency to be angry and to bite family members reduced significantly.

I am very blessed to have the honor and opportunity to offer support to this beloved soul, and many others with my Tao Hands Transformative tool.

Thank you Master Sha for this huge GIFT of Service.

I am very blessed.

Thank you, Love you

Anand Bhimjiyani

Transforming Fear into Light: The Remarkable Impact of Tao Hands Blessings

A lady friend of mine had a lot of fear which she could feel in her stomach and was struggling in her day to day living.

It was due to a customer who’d been acting unpleasant to her and threatening her because he was upset about her with something.

I gave her the blessing for 10 minutes and at the end of the blessing I asked how she felt.

She was speechless, so still, and just gazing in awe.

Eventually, she said; “I feel like my fear is completely gone like something came and took something out of my stomach

I’ve never felt so light and peaceful in my life”

She said after our call she was still sitting in amazement for another hour on her own

When back to work the customer had continued to be unpleasant but she said she felt very strong and in her light.

She said she couldn’t believe how she handled the situation and eventually the customer went away

And to this day she has no fear or heard back from them

And following the path of light and calmness to overcome more challenges

Thank you Tao Hands

Richee Kamaal

Transforming Depression into Peace: The Power of Tao Hands Blessing

I offered Tao hands blessing to a friend for her depression.

She hadn’t been able to sleep and was anxious since her partner has been hospitalized.

Her health had been struggling.

After I offered her the Tao Hands blessing she had been able to feel peace and lightness in her heart for the first time in months.

She is also sleeping better, and not feeling as sad or anxious anymore.

Eva Filor

Transforming Family Bonds: Tao Hands Blessing Brings Mother and Daughter Closer

A mother complained about her daughter who would Not Like to contact her in an appropriate way, showing Anger and disrespect.

Tao Hands Blessing Made her more friendly, accepting a Birthday Gift with gratitude.

The mother was very Happy, and we will continue working on that issued, the mother is not very confident and I think she will get Tao Hands too.

Birgit Seefeldt

Transforming Fear into Hope: Tao Hands Blessing's Impact on a Worried Client

Today I would like to share my experience with an new client.

After she received an unexpected message about her sister, that she had a very serious car accident, and the ambulance took her in to the hospital.

My client was also was in a bad mental and emotional condition.

A Lot of fear about her sister came up. And she worried about the future and also about her sisters children.

Her biggest worried we're that her sister wohnt wake up any more or even die.

After the blessing her heart opened more, she calmed down and her thoughts were more sorted.

Now she had much more hope again and she Looks more positive into the future life.

I am so Happy that I could help her with the channel of Tao Hands.


Finding Comfort and Calm: The Healing Power of Tao Hands

I was teaching at a University and a student met me after class to share that she was unable to cope with her mothers loss a few months ago.

I offered her a Tao Hands blessing and she released the pain and felt so much calm.

She thanked me immensely

Kayla Darling

Healing Harmony with Tao Hands: A Family's Journey to Wellness

I love Tao Hands, It has a beautiful frequency and it feels wonderful to use.

Whenever my kids are upset or have small ouchies, as a family we connect with Tao Hands.

My 4 year old and 9 year old know how to chant and connect with the light frequency for healing.

If we have an emotional or a physical pain that is coming up, Tao Hands brings us comfort very quickly.

We are so lucky.

Marcia Sasaki

A Heartfelt Healing: Offering Comfort with Tao Hands During a Panic Attack

I was honored to offer a Tao Hands Blessing 3 weeks ago to a young man who works at the grocery store where I had just bought food.

He was having a severe panic attack. His manager was very worried about him and said his heart rate was very high.

He was flushed and hyperventilating or breathing very fast.

I identified myself as a licensed healthcare provider and asked if I could help.

I led him in slowing down his breathing.

He was still very flushed, I asked him if he would give me permission to offer him a blessing.

He said yes, so I silently offered him a Tao Hands blessing for his panic attack.

He shared that his grandfather had died and he started to silently sob and then calmed with his breath slowing, his color returning to normal.

Within 10 minutes of meeting him, he appeared to be quietly asleep.

As I left, his manager was so grateful, she said her son had the same reaction to the passing of her father.

I saw him and his manager a few days later and expressed her gratitude as did the young man.

I told him in grieving his grandfather, remember his love and your love for him.

It would help him to continue healing. He listened. The panic was gone.

Thank you Tao Hands

Amadea Stefa

Transforming Depression into Renewed Life: A Tao Hands Miracle

One of my students called me that her son us more than 2 years in deep depression because he was left from his girlfriend.

He don't want to go to work or live his bedroom. She was so depressed.

I told her that she can use her tao hands together with me 3 times blessing and she will wait for the results.

She called me in one week and was so happy and cryes infront of all our Meditation group that her sun is total different.

He came out of his room and want to begin his life from 0.

He began to work and meet friends and changed his life she could not believe it and was so greatful to the Tao hands.

She understood much deeper their power.

I was so blessed to be Part of this beautiful miracle healing Story

Thank you so much Master Sha for giving us such a beautiful Tool.

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Financial Blessings

Gilles Neplaz

Boosting Store Revenue with the Power of Tao Hands Blessings

A client asked me for help to improve the revenue of one of his stores.

I offered Tao hands blessing and already the first week he texted me that they were impressed many new clients that did not know their store and they did much more sales.

Tao hands is very powerful

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Master Sha's Tao Calligraphy is the source healing art, the art beyond the art. He is offering Tao Calligraphy healing for thousands of people. As I travel throughout the world, I realize how much humanity needs Master Sha's healing service offered through the Tao Calligraphy.


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